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News and Newspapers

Your guide for finding the news at Egan Library and beyond!

Newspapers Collection

The Egan Library receives Southeast Alaska newspapers in print for reading. We only keep about a month's worth of the papers - check out online resources to find our much larger access to newspapers from around the nation and the world!


What's a Periodical? It is the general term for an ongoing publication with (generally) a regular publishing schedule. We have a variety of periodicals on subjects of importance to UAS academic programs and to academic success. This is a constantly changing part of the library, and the go-to resource to check out all of our Periodicals is Journal Title Search.

Featured Magazines

Near the Reference Desk and at the start of our Periodical collection lies the Featured Magazines collection. These are news magazines in a variety of fields, including science, business, education, history, and art. There are also general news and opinion magazines, and magazines with an Alaskan focus. You can check out issues of any of these magazines, except for the most recent issue. Just lift the shelf to find the back issues.

A picture of the Egan Library Featured Magazines collection.

Microfilm and Bound Periodicals

Why do we have Microfilm and Bound Periodicals? There are a couple of reasons. One is that not every periodical is available online. The other is that they will include the original images and advertising.

For the titles we subscribe to, we try to keep an archive of the older issues, particularly if they are not available online. The two main places to find these periodicals are in the Bound Periodicals and the Microfilmed Periodicals sections on the main floor. If you need help finding anything in these collections, or in using the Microfilm reading equipment, ask a librarian!

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Research Guides by Egan Library | University of Alaska Southeast are licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0