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Natural History of Alaska

Created for Biology 104 at UAS this guide provides links to recommended and optional course readings as well as general info relevant to Natural History of Alaska.

Natural History of Alaska

This guide organizes library and other resources related to the natural history of Alaska in general while also compiling some required and recommended readings for Biology 104. Subtopics include birds, animals & habitat, flora & fauna and geology of Alaska. 

Biology 104: The Natural History of Alaska

Course Description: The physical environment peculiar to the North and important in determining the biological setting: major ecosystem concepts to develop an appreciation for land use and wildlife management problems in both terrestrial and aquatic situations. May not be used as biology elective credit for a major in Biology. BIOL S104 fulfills a Natural Science General Education Requirement.

Additional Resources

  • Alaska Center for Conservation Science (UAA) Wildlife Publications. The publications table below lists peer-reviewed journal articles and unreviewed project reports that ACCS staff have produced or contributed to. Use the search function to search for particular phrases, key words, authors, or other identifiers that might help you find a publication of interest. You can also change the sort order of the table by clicking the header cells. When available, the publication is linked through the title.
  • Alaska Nature and Science (National Park Service). Compiles recent articles published in science journals about science happening in Alaska's parks.
  • USGS Alaska Science Center News Releases are timely, official communications produced by the Alaska Science Center that are targeted for use by the news media in reporting information on scientific findings or program activities.


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