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About Sabin Americana

Topics covered include: Civil War, slavery, science and medicine, religion, race, immigrants, the early republic, economics and geography, biography/art/literature, colonization and the colonial era. Sabin Americana includes first-hand narratives that may be offensive today, yet shed a light on prevailing attitudes at the time of publication.

Some example documents

 Before the Civil War

Benjamin, J. P. Defence of the national Democracy against the attack of Judge Douglas—constitutional rights of the states: speech of Hon. J.P. Benjamin, of Louisiana: delivered in the United States Senate, May 20, 1860. Washington. 1860

Graves, J. Truth against error: a defence of slavery: being a review letter written by the Rev. Charles T. Torrey, now confined in the Baltimore jail, upon the charges of abducting slaves from their masters, in Maryland and Virginia. Baltimore: Printed by Woods & Crane. 1844

Hall, Marshall. The two-fold slavery of the United States: with a project of self-emancipation.London: A. Scott. 1854

Colonization and the Colonial Era

Child, Lydia Maria Francis. The first settlers of New-England or, Conquest of the Pequods, Narragansets and Pokanokets: as related by a mother to her children.Boston: Printed for the author by Munroe and Francis. 1829

Gorton, Samuel. Simplicities defence against seven-headed policy, or, Innocency vindicated: being unjustly accused and sorely censured by that seven-headed church-government united in New-England: or, that servant so imperious in his master[']s absence revived and now thus re-acting in New-England.London: Printed by John Macock. 1646

Thevet, André. The new found vvorlde, or, Antarctike: wherein is contained wonderful and strange things, as well of humaine creatures, as beastes, fishes, foules, and serpents, trees, plants, mines of golde and silver: garnished with many learned authorities.London: Imprinted by Henry Bynneman, for Thomas Hacket. 1568

Immigrants and Women in History

Beecher, Catherine Esther.  The evils suffered by American women and American children: the causes and the remedy. New York: Harper & brothers. [c1846]

Busey, Samuel C. (Samuel Clagett). Immigration, its evils and consequences. New York: De Witt & Davenport. 1856

Eminent women of the age: being narratives of the lives and deeds of the most prominent women of the present generation.Hartford, Conn.: S.M. Betts. 1868

Hill, S. S. The emigrant's introduction to an acquaintance with the British American colonies and the present condition and prospects of the colonists. London: Parbury and Co., (London: W. Lewis). 1837


Stanton, Benjamin. Negro equality—the right of one man to hold property in another--the Democratic Party a disunion party—the success of the Republican Party the only salvation for the country: speech of Hon. Benjamin Stanton, of Ohio: delivered in the House of Representatives, May 3, 1860. [Washington, D.C.: Republican Congressional Committee]. 1860

Universal suffrage and complete equality in citizenship: the safeguards of democratic institutions: shown in discourses. Boston: Press of G.C. Rand & Avey. 1865

Whitfield, Henry. The light appearing more and more towards the perfect day, or, A farther discovery of the present state of the Indians in New-England, concerning the progesse of the gospel amongst them: manifested by letters from such as preacht to them there. London: Printed by T.R. & E.M. for John Bartlet. 1651

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