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Lingit, Haida, Tsimshian Language Materials

This guide documents a 2021-22 project to digitize rare curricular resources in support of the Alaska Native Arts, Languages & Studies Program.

Project Resources & Documentation

In preparation for this digitization project the following resources and trainings were consulted. 

  • Sustainable Heritage Network's Digital Stewardship Curriculum : The Digital Stewardship Curriculum is intended for cultural heritage professionals working in or with Indigenous communities starting digitization and other digital projects. The curriculum is designed to provide useful information and guidance to professionals to meet the needs of Indigenous institutions. Many of the topics are also replicable for small, non-Indigenous institutions. The curriculum covers all aspects of the Digital Stewardship Lifecycle - bringing materials in, managing and organizing materials, preserving materials, and providing access to materials - all the way from physical materials to digital files. Each part of the curriculum encourages participants to tailor policies, procedures, tools, and other resources based on cultural and community needs.
  • Local Contexts Reciprocal Curation Workflow : Through the TK Labels, Local Contexts is working to develop an alternative model of cultural curatorial workflows for Native American, First Nation, Metis, Inuit, Aboriginal and Indigenous collections of cultural heritage. These workflows offer new curatorial and collaborative models that address the unique problem of public domain materials and third party owned content that is divorced from local communities and missing rich narration, attribution and curation. 

Project Documentation

Project Goals include:

  • Formalize and document workflows for scanning, materials handling, rights clearances, protocols for attribution, access and use of cultural heritage materials, digital file management and storage. 
  • Complete a draft management plan for digital asset storage and roadmap to online access via ScholarWorks@UA, the Alaska Native Language Archive or other culturally appropriate, web indexed, UA repository. 

Sample Documentation 

  • Cover page template. Cover pages were added to finished access copies of digitized texts in order to contextualize the digitization within the larger project and to document permissions or fair use determinations. 
  • Digitized Items Inventory. Tracking sheet for items to be scanned to include relevant metadata; author(s), rights holder(s), publisher, publication date, publication status (in-print, out of print), filenames/locations, online status, rights holder permissions correspondence, open licensing or other fair use justification notes.
  • Project Documentation (draft). Includes project overview, items level discussion related to; copyright, cultural property, publishing history and fair use determination. Additional discussion related to scanning workflow, post-processing workflow, file management overview, scanner configuration settings and templates to inform a draft management plan for digital asset storage and roadmap to online access via ScholarWorks@UA, the Alaska Native Language Archive or other culturally appropriate, web indexed, UA repository (UA Google Drive). 

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