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OneSearch - Highlights

This short Research Guide introduces you to some of the exciting features available in OneSearch.

What is OneSearch?

OneSearch is a powerful discovery tool on the library homepage that allows you to explore and access the library's books, ebooks, articles, media (like DVDs), and more through one simple search box! 

OneSearch search box on the library homepage below the text "What can we help you find?"

By using OneSearch you can search:

  • Our library catalog, ebook content, and journal collections, including citations, abstracts, and content from the library's many databases.

This guide highlights some of the useful features of OneSearch.  If you would like to learn more about OneSearch, please ask a librarian!

How to Use OneSearch (Video)

How to Use OneSearch |7:00 min| This video is an introduction to our discovery tool. By using OneSearch you can search across library collections for books, ebooks, DVDs, magazine and journal articles and more - all from a single search box!

Searching Specific Library Databases

Even though OneSearch can help you discover most of the Library's resources, you may still want to make use of our subject-specific databases.

When you search our subject-specific databases you should retrieve fewer, more relevant results on your topic. You can select databases within your subject area from the Egan Library's A-Z list of databases.

Selecting subjects on the A-Z Databases page

Need help?

black stick figure scratches head with a question mark above it

Do you have questions about OneSearch?  Do you need help with your research?
If so - ask a Reference Librarian. 
We are here to help!

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Research Guides by Egan Library | University of Alaska Southeast are licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0Creative Commons iconattribution required icon, BYShare Alike Icon, SA