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Finding Maps

A guide to finding maps in Egan Library and online map collections, specializing in Alaska maps.


You can find the Egan Library atlas collection on the main floor - near the Reference Desk, under the staircase.  The atlas collection houses larger format books for local and worldwide maps.

Find maps in EBSCO Ebooks

Search the UAS Egan Library EBSCO e-book collection - and find maps! 

Use the search term map with the place name

e.g., (map California) (map Yukon) (map Spain)

Large format print maps

Nautical Charts
In a file cabinet on the main floor.  These NOAA nautical charts of Pacific Coast Alaska are organized by number and alphabetically.
Online version and ordering

USGS Topographic Maps

In a file cabinet on the main floor. Topographical maps of Alaska regions.

Google Earth

Google Earth is available on the public computer terminals in the Egan LIbrary!  There is a wealth of educational information at the Google Earth site for the many ways to use the interactive map features.  See the tutorials here.

Google Earth

Find maps in the library catalog

The Alaska Library Catalog searches the collections of over 80 Alaska libraries. To find maps in the catalog available in Juneau area libraries, search for MAP and the location name (for example, MAP ANCHORAGE), and set the All Collections drop-down menu to "Juneau area libraries". 

Catalog search bar


Once you retrieve results, there is a way to limit to MAP as the format, on the left side of the screen:

Format menu with Map selected and an arrow pointing to the "include" button

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