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Finding Maps

A guide to finding maps in Egan Library and online map collections, specializing in Alaska maps.

Alaska Maps

Large format print maps

Nautical Charts
In a file cabinet on the main floor.  These NOAA nautical charts of Pacific Coast Alaska are organized by number and alphabetically.
Online version and ordering

USGS Topographic Maps

In a file cabinet on the main floor. Topographical maps of Alaska regions.

Historical Maps

Alaska's Digital Archives

Search the collections of libraries, museums, and archives throughout the state of Alaska for access to historical maps of Alaska and other regions from the 18th century onwards.

Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps at the Library of Congress

This collection includes some early townsite maps for many AK cities.

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Research Guides by Egan Library | University of Alaska Southeast are licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0Creative Commons iconattribution required icon, BYShare Alike Icon, SA