There are many systems out there to help you manage your citations. This Wikipedia article on reference management software provides a chart comparing all the programs and their features - making your choice an easier, more well informed one. Some commonly used free programs are:
When you find the article you want to cite, click on "Cite this item" on the right:
Then click "Copy" next to the Chicago citation OR click the appropriate "Export Citation" link to add this citation to your citation manager.
Citing from EBSCO databases
When you find the article you want, click on the title:
Then choose "Cite" from the Tools menu on the far right:
Scroll through the citation formats until you find Chicago. Either copy and paste the citation, or click the export link at the bottom if you are using a citation manager.
The University of Alaska ( is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access Employer and Educational Institution. The University is committed to a policy of non-discrimination ( against individuals on the basis of any legally protected status.