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Get Started @ Egan Library

Get a successful start to your semester by ensuring you are well-prepared to make full use of the awesome resources and services available at Egan Library!

Get a Library Card!

Row of colorful books on their sides falling like dominoes

Your UA Student ID is your library account number, and you can use your Whalecard as your library card to check out library materials, like books and DVDs! Egan Library online resources (journal article databases, ebooks, etc.) are accessible using your UAS username and password (Alaska Digital Library is the only exception, use your library card #).

If you are an e-Learner, you can also have library materials delivered to your local library or your home. Learn more about your library card and checking out materials from Egan Library and other libraries in our consortium.

Make Sure You Know Your UA Login Info

You can access our electronic resources, which include books and full-text articles, from any computer with an Internet connection through the Library's website 24/7.  If you are off-campus, you will be prompted to login using your UA username and password. Check ELMO if you don't have or have forgotten this information.

Create an Account to Get Materials from Other Libraries

We do our best to have the materials that you need for your research and study in our collection.  If we don't have an item that you need, you may find it in one of the libraries that participate in the Alaska Library Catalog (which is the same as the Egan Library Catalog). If you need to expand your search beyond the collections of the libraries that participate in the Alaska Library Catalog, you can get materials from libraries around the world using our Interlibrary loan (ILL) service. The first time you login with your UA username and password, you'll be prompted to fill out a registration form.

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Research Guides by Egan Library | University of Alaska Southeast are licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0Creative Commons iconattribution required icon, BYShare Alike Icon, SA