Get a successful start to your semester by ensuring you are well-prepared to make full use of the awesome resources and services available at Egan Library!
OneSearchThis link opens in a new windowUse OneSearch to search the library catalog, including ebooks and most of the journal collection. View tutorial:
From one simple search box you can find books, articles, and more from the Library's various collections!
by Egan Library
Last Updated Nov 7, 2023
253 views this year
Gale ebooksThis link opens in a new windowSearch Gale Virtual Reference Library electronic encyclopedias to get started with your research.
JSTORThis link opens in a new windowAn archive of entire runs of 19th and 20th century scholarly journals, as well as a large collection of ebooks. View Tutorial:
Disciplines include African American Studies, Anthropology, Biological Sciences, Botany, Business, Ecology, Education, History, Language and Literature, Mathematics, Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology, and Statistics. Page images of journal contents may be viewed, printed, and downloaded; book content is generally found by chapter.
Did you know?
You can request books that are available at any library that is part of the Alaska Library Catalog, including all of the UA libraries, Juneau and Sitka public libraries, and many others. The item will be delivered to your home library, and you will be notified when you can pick it up. It's free and easy!
Find the item that you want in the catalog and click "Place Hold."
Log in with your full UA email address and password.
Select a library from the drop-down menu. This is where you will be able to pick up the book.
You will receive an email when your book has arrived and is ready to be picked up.
Search for books, music, videos and more! Over 3.2 million items in libraries throughout the State of Alaska.
Services for All Students
If you are an e-Learning or Sitka Campus student, you can have materials from our library and other libraries delivered to your home! See our Research Help for Students webpage for more information. You also have access to electronic resources, like ebooks and full-text articles 24/7 through the Library's website.
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