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Cyril George Indigenous Knowledge Center

History of, information on, and ongoing efforts for the Cyril George Indigenous Knowledge Collection at the Egan Library in Juneau.

The Cyril George Indigenous Knowledge Center

The Cyril George Indigenous Knowledge Center is an ongoing project and goal of the UAS Indigenous Studies program, the Egan Library, and the University of Alaska Southeast. Ḵaalḵáawu Cyril George was a Tlingit leader from the Deisheetaan Clan of Angoon, who passed away in 2014. 

Proposed by Assistant Professor Lance Twitchell and funded by a Rasmuson Grant and private donations, the Center began with the Cyril George Indigenous Knowledge Collection, bringing together the library's materials about Alaska Native culture, technology, literature, and art, as well topics such as language revitalization and Indigenous peoples of North America and eventually around the world. This guide includes updates from throughout the founding and setup of this collection, and the efforts to expand the collection into a full Center located in the Egan Library. 

Cyril George Indigenous Knowledge CollectionAdditionally, there have been other efforts to decolonize the collection and center Indigenous knowledge. This work is ongoing, and updates will be included here as well. As changes are made, additional information on using the collection may be added here; there is also advice on finding Indigenous Studies information in the related guide, linked below. 

Browse and search the Cyril George Indigenous Knowledge collection online here:

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