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OER: Open Educational Resources

OER Support for Faculty

Faculty librarians are available to support and promote open educational practices on campus and provide faculty development and support in the discovery, creation and adoption of OER. Faculty use of OER signals an awareness of rising textbook prices and an effort to select course materials with student cost and student success in mind.  Information sessions and workshops are held annually at Faculty Convocation and occasionally during the academic year. Contact your Liaison Librarian for more information. 


AAC&U Institute on OER Working Group

Please feel free to contact Jonas Lamb ( or any of the members of the Working Group for further assistance.  All of us are open to meeting with you one-on-one to assist you with identifying, implementing, and utilizing OER content for your courses.


Andrea Dewees:

Maren Haavig:

Jonas Lamb:

Kasia Polanska:

Liz Zacher: 


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