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Library Ebooks as Textbooks

Many faculty have adopted textbooks that are available as ebooks in the Egan Library collection. 

Students: Check your syllabus for this information or ask your instructor if you're unsure.

Faculty: If you are using a library-licensed ebook for your course please consider the following to ensure your students know the options available to them and understand there is a zero cost option and that the bookstore accurately reflects this information. Your course section can be marked Zero Textbook Cost as long as you list the print copy as optional rather than required (during the PCO process) and explain in the notes field that the ebook is freely available via Egan Library.   Adding a Course Link (Blackboard) to the ebook using the permalink is an equitable way to ensure that all students have access to the course materials on the first day of class. Students who prefer a print copy can purchase one but it is not required. See additional scenarios for more information.  

See more about our ebook providers

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Research Guides by Egan Library | University of Alaska Southeast are licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0Creative Commons iconattribution required icon, BYShare Alike Icon, SA